16 april 2020.
Recentelijk verscheen The Legal 500 waarin Wijn & Stael Advocaten vermeld staat bij de secties Restructuring & Insolvency (tier 3), Dispute Resolution: Commercial Litigation (tier 4) en Employment (tier 4).
Wij zijn trots op deze vermeldingen en dankbaar voor de mooie feedback die wij mochten ontvangen. Zie hieronder een overzicht van de vermeldingen en de citaten:
Clients value Wijn & Stael Advocaten N.V.'s 'high level knowledge' of insolvency law particularly their expertise in the retail sector. The firm has advised key players in the retail market including Sissy Boy and Perry Sport on bankruptcy proceedings. Practice heads Noor Zetteler and Remco Vermaire are representing Rabobank in several proceedings in relation to the bankruptcy of Eurocommerce. Willem Jan van Andel also heads the practice and is a key individual in advising Perry Sport.
Testimonials van onze cliënten:
'Their high level of knowledge makes them one of the better practices to work with. Also their decisiveness and tenacity distinguishes them from others.'
'They have practical and thorough knowledge of insolvency and restructuring law, specifically of the Retail sector and are acknowledged as such by their competitors in the Netherlands. They are perceived as a top (niche) firm for insolvency.'
'Willem Jan Van Andel – eminence grise of insolvency laws. Remco Vermaire – very practical and hands-on approach. Noor Zetteler – upcoming with broad knowledge on insolvency.'
'The team houses all disciplines we as a real estate financier need in our daily work regarding insolvency, foreclosure and litigation. The team has very good in depth knowledge of the law and how to use it in approaching difficult cases and files. Compared to other firms Wijn & Stael delivers outstanding work.'
Utrecht-based Wijn & Stael Advocaten N.V. is home to a strong litigation team, which represents clients at all levels of the Dutch courts including cassation. A key area in which the firm stands out from its competitors is in insolvency-related litigation, particularly in the Supreme Court, where Thijs van Zanten is one of the key national figures. Van Zanten heads the firm's cassation arm, with Noor Zetteler and Koen Rutten jointly fronting the firm's corporate, financial, and commercial litigation offerings, specializing personally in director's liability and class action disputes, respectively.
Testimonials van onze cliënten:
'Very much on top of subject and very thorough in preparation of the case. Listen very well to input from customers but hold strict line of defence in the case itself.'
'Wijn & Stael’s commercial litigation practice, particularly the cassation practice, operates at the highest standards of quality, while maintaining an important sense of independence, both as a practice as well as a source of independent ideas.'
'Koen Rutten is a good team member, easy to work with, and works well with clients and co-counsel in other countries.'
'My firm has worked in various cases with Thijs van Zanten who stands out in his in-depth knowledge of ligation and more specific insolvency law/litigation. He is very easy going and extremely capable to explain difficult stuff in easy wording which is quite remarkable for a supreme court litigator.'
'Koen Rutten is approachable and down to earth, open-minded while legally rigorous, and respected by his peers'.
'Thijs van Zanten has the rather unique profile of being both very intelligent and very practical. He is extremely responsive and has the ability to deliver first-class work within a very limited amount of time. He is the top of the list expert in the field of insolvency law Supreme Court litigation.'
'Associate Ida Lintel is a bona fide rising star.'
Wijn & Stael Advocaten N.V. is home to an employment team which is particularly prominent in the field of flexible and temporary employment, and the firm is instructed by several employment agencies to handle contracting, disputes, and regulatory advice. Senior associate Joyce Snijder is highly recommended in this area. The overall employment team is jointly-led by Leendert Kruidenier and Else Loes Pasma, while Sophie Wierenga-Heintz is notable for her expertise on the privacy aspects of employment law.
Rising stars
Joyce Snijder - Wijn & Stael Advocaten N.V.
Testimonials van onze cliënten:
'Wijn & Stael has great knowledge of Dutch employment law. They react quickly on requests.'
'We can always rely on Wijn & Stael, their attorneys deliver good quality of work. Quick responses to our requests.'
'Our main contact person Sophie Wierenga always looks for practical solutions to solve a legal issue. Out of the box thinker, pro-active, dedicated, knowledgeable, good communicator, responds quickly to questions.'
'Sophie Wierenga-Heintz has a no-nonsense approach. She has a unique mixture of warm personal skills combined with hard result-driven solutions. She is analytical and a pleasant sparring partner in law matters.'
'Joyce Snijder really stands out on her knowledge on Labour law in the flex-market (contingent workforce).'
Meer informatie over onze vermelding is te vinden op de website van The Legal 500.